

My story revolves around creativity, technology, and making connections. I pursue projects where I see opportunities to unite these three elements. Exploring the new, embracing challenges, and creating something novel is what drives me. In essence, this website is a repository for my journey in the pursuit of creation.


The smell of coffee, the view from a mountain peak, the taste of something delicious, learning something challenging, and opening a brand-new book—these are the little things I live for. The small encounters I have every day bring incremental joy, making a significant difference by the end of the day.


Is it to visit spectacular architecture, take in majestic views of nature, interact with locals to hear their stories, or immerse yourself in the culture to appreciate how people live differently? Maybe it’s all of that, or maybe it’s about being in a new place with clear, open eyes and a sense of unbounded possibilities, ready to explore the unique characteristics each place offers to create new experiences and memories.


Searching for a job is hard; loving your job is even harder. For me, I have two guiding principles to love my job: working for a company that actively promotes people’s happiness and having a role that encourages personal and professional growth. I don’t settle for anything less.


Data is being collected, calculated, and computed on an immense scale by corporations and on a smaller scale by individuals, all in a quest to uncover unseen patterns in every aspect of life, from digital experiences to the natural world.

The following page is my inspiration to draw, slow down, and visualize the details of my life. By visualizing my life, I am also shaping it.